Friday, January 5, 2018

Duchess had her kittens on 12/29. It was supposed to be a British Shorthair litter with a friends blue Brit. However, duchess is a fat lazy Brit so it's hard to tell she is in heat without a male mating with her. We used our Scottish straight with 2 tabby genes once to confirm she was in heat and then picked up a friends stud cat. We used Jammy in the off chance any of the kittens were his, they would be tabby and we would know for sure who was his kittens or the solid brit kittens since solid is recessive. Well, ALL the kittens are tabbies and Jammy's scottish straight kittens. There is 2 black tabbies and 1 blue tabby. They will be all shorthair scottish straights and starts at around $1200 for pet quality. We'll try again with our friends blue brit next time Duchess goes into heat.

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