Sunday, July 14, 2019

Blueberry and Tuppy's kittens were born 7/2/19. There is one solid blue, one blue tabby, and either a solid black or a black smoke kitten. There is an extra kitten nursing with her from Nina's litter since Nina had 6 kittens and they were having trouble nursing all at the same time. We moved the runt the mostly white with silver tabby spots to this litter.

Nina and Jammy had kittens on 7/5/19. There is the white with silver spots with Blueberry. One white kitten, one cream tabby kitten, and three silver tabbies with white.


Blueberry's litter will be all straight ear with short and longhairs. Nina's will be fold and straight, short and long hair. Hair length and sex on both litters will take weeks to show. Ears on Nina's litter will take about another week or two. Sex is an educated guess until the 8-week vet visit, I cannot guarantee a sex until 8 weeks and deposit are non-refundable based on sex.

I have a lot of very specific kitten requests with hard nos (a trait that is a deal breaker) such as sex, color, pattern, and hair length. I have so many that I am no longer able to answer questions about kittens I don't have. Please just watch the blog until we have a kitten that matches your requirements before contacting us. No amount of e-mails will change the pattern, or other characteristics a kitten is born with.

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